Hey! I had started another blog post for all 3 of my avid readers, but figured this is newsworthy. My BCR-ABL (why won’t my autocorrect just memorize this combination of letters yet?!?) is down to 1.7!!! That’s only 1.7 points away from remission. Never did I ever consider that I would be happy to achieve remission since it sucks that I have cancer and need remission, and also because month to month that can change. But here I am, feeling relief. And that is growth, my friends. Keep praying that the medicine retains its efficacy and that BCR-ABL is negative the next time we check!!! (I have seen folks who have levels at 0.00057 and so it isn’t negative…. but I feel hope today.)

Also, for those who want to know…. I described the relief to my Bible study girls, my elephants, that is like passing gas when you really need to but no one hears or smells it….. that kind of relief. A big, collective Phew.

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